Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6th

Saturday, July 6th

I trust everyone had a happy 4th!  In Denver, we were blessed with fine weather.

I am back home, finally!  I was laid low on Memorial Day weekend with discitis (?), a blood infection, and have been in the hospital & rehab with a blood infection and a few other problems, and will be on antibiotics until July 22nd.  I got home this past Wednesday (3rd).  It is good being home and a godsend that we gutted/remodeled our one-floor ranch with our elder years in mind.  I am adjusting to getting around, mostly with walker and occasionally, the wheelchair.  (As my late mother-in-law said, the wheel chair is for the "long distances" or where a walker would be less than safe -- stampeding shoppers, etc.

I hope to resume a Tuesday publishing schedule by mid-month.

Take care, enjoy life!   

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