Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring-like weather. This past Thursday and Friday we have had light snowfalls of big, fat, water-filled flakes. Good for the lawns, trees, and shrubs. There has been so much water in the snow that rather than let it melt and runoff, we usually shovel it onto the lawn. On Saturday morning, while sitting at the computer adding to this blog, I watched the trees dripping their sparkling snow and ice in the early morning sun. The backyard lilly pond is slowly melting, not quite sure of whether it is spring or still winter. Spring has yet to fully arrived in Denver.

Tulips and Windmills. Christine and I have decided to take another Viking River cruise in very early April, appropriately called, “Tulips and Windmills.” I last visited Holland during tulip-time when I was in the Air Force stationed in (then) West Germany. The colors were unbelievable and we are hoping this year's spring weather will accord us similar colorful displays.

The Million Dollar Quartet. This past week we went to see the MDQ at the Denver Center. If you like the rock-and-roll of the mid-1950s, you will enjoy your evening. The story line is about the actual, one-time only, impromptu get together in December 1956 at the Sun Record studio of four rock-and-roll legends: Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Johnny Cash. On stage the four musicians/actors, plus a “girl singer in the band,” slap base player, and drummer provided all the music; there is no lip synching, no pre-recorded music. It was wonderfully live!

Word Play. This Sunday's "Perspective" section in the Denver Post had two stories with interesting headlines. In one, Lisa Wirthman wrote about the growing income disparity in the US. She was familiar with the ubiquitous warnings in the London Tube about the subway trains and platforms, so her headline read, "Mind the Gap." Cute! 
     In the second story, Claudia Rosett obviously wanted to be upfront about her dislike for and distrust of the Iranian government; hence, her headline, "Iran's nuke thug was given a hero's welcome by DU." [emphasis added] Iran's thug is the foreign minister, who earned both an MA and PdD from Denver University. The word "thug" is enjoying something of a comeback largely due to stories about certain Ukrainian opposition groups led by what are being characterized as right wing, Nazi-leaning "thugs."

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