Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Topics in this week's blog: congressional redistricting; Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall; a quiet breakfast; Hillary and Barack; Ferguson, MO

Congressional districts. The Supreme Court has addressed these decennial redistricting state efforts and found many of the congressional districts to be ludicrously gerrymandered, more resembling rorschach ink blots than anything else. This linked article from PBS deals with FL's attempts to be "even handed," always sought but rarely achieved. FL is not alone in its very weird renderings. Even CO, not too populous and spread-out, has its troubles. The political party in control of any state legislature wishes to retain all the perks associated with their majority control.

Robin Williams. His passing is sadly noted. In an NPR interview, Dick Cavett observed that you can observe depression in someone with Williams's personality "two steps off-stage into the wings." Manic comedians are definitely a different breed.

Lauren Bacall. Another passing sadly noted. As a young man I fell in love with that voice! In the intervening years, there has been numerous occasions when I have wished that the woman speaking had Bacall's vocal presence. There are far too many weak, tiny, tinny female voices. Ms. Bacall was, I think, the female vocal equal of James Earl Jones.

Breakfast musings.  I read my friend Bill's weekly blog as I ate alone last Wednesday morning, listening to only the sounds of nature and the nearby parking lot. I slowly realized that there was no "piped music" to the outside patio. A blessing for I usually do not enjoy canned muzak. Sunny, warm, and delightful for reading Bill's blog notes on music.
     This particular near by breakfast venue, the "Delectable Egg," has one wall filled with pictures by a local photographer. The owner regularly changes the artist and photos so there is something new to contemplate at least once a month.

"Hugging it out"??  [Hillary] Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement.

“Secretary Clinton has at every step of the way touted the significant achievements of his presidency, which she is honored to have been part of as his secretary of state. While they’ve had honest differences on some issues, including aspects of the wicked challenge Syria presents, she has explained those differences in her book and at many points since then. Some are now choosing to hype those differences but they do not eclipse their broad agreement on most issues. Like any two friends who have to deal with the public eye, she looks forward to hugging it out when she they see each other tomorrow [Sunday] night.”

     What absolute drivel! Here are thoughts from TV critic, Jeff Greenfield: "[Hillary's]... words to Obama– nothing in that interview was meant to be critical –will be totally credible, assuming Obama cannot read English. — Jeff Greenfield (@greenfield64) August 13, 2014

Ferguson, MO. While Ferguson is not large enough to have an "inner city," violence with any racial overtones is a ticking time bomb in any city. As usual, the 24-hour continuous media circus demanded answers that were simply unavailable, all the while refusing to ask the more relevant questions. Law enforcement officials, likewise under pressure, and, not wishing to be seen as weak or indecisive, felt compelled to take immediate action, over-reacted with a paramilitary operation. President Obama cut short his Hyannis Port vacation and dispatched the Attorney General to Ferguson. Investigations will abound and become fodder for a media seeking ratings as much as truth. Racial issues/incidents/aftermaths continue to bedevil America.

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