Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Here are the topics for this week's blog: early spring skiing; the Snow Moon; saving for college.

Spring in late January. Enough winter storm fronts have blown through Colorado's central mountains so that the snow on the slopes is holding out well. Uncharacteristically, temperatures in late January were relatively warm. At this point, Colorado's overall snow accumulation is less than normal and, therefore, it is time to begin worrying about the spring run-off and this coming summer's reservoir levels. Everyone looks forward to a snowy February and March!

The Snow Moon. February's full moon rose, bright and huge as I drove back to Denver from Breckenridge. There is something magical about that bright sphere suspended above the mountain ridges.

College-savings, 529's. The following quote from Roll Call (February 3rd) gives ample evidence of the pandering yet to come: President Barack Obama's swift killing of a proposal to effectively eliminate the college savings accounts known as 529s is instructive about this year's legislative dynamic because it connects two emerging story lines: The efforts by both parties to be perceived as doing the most for the middle class and the drive toward the biggest overhaul of the tax code in a generation.
     Though statistics tell us that the majority of the dollars saved in 529 college investment plans are being set aside by households with incomes of $100K+, many would not consider this to be above middle class. A nonsensical statement by the 2012 vice-presidential candidate, Rep. Ryan (R, VA) said that those in the upper-income brackets were "doing well" and practicing "trickle-down" economics. Yeah, sure! That's a really big help for those in the middle and lower-middle class.
     Do not forget to buy that lottery ticket!

Thank you for reading and I hope February treats you well.

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