Saturday, March 21, 2015

Long delayed: March 17, 2015  Topics for this blog: celebrating the green in Breckenridge; alone at home; Hillary's latest dilemma; spring 2015.

Once again, that "green day" rolled around. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed a hearty St. Patrick's day. We celebrated in Breckenridge where there will be the usual small, but exuberant gathering along Main Street. Everyone is Irish and, in the current climate of inconclusiveness, this includes everyone. We celebrated with friend John and Martin, an Englishman who spends winters working with Guest Services in Breckenridge.

Our Swedish visitors departed in late February having enjoyed their 4th CO ski vacation, spending two days in Vail. The Chicago-based Jensens arrive on April Fool's Day; we have our fingers crossed that the snow will be good.

Hillary's latest drama. One wonders where it will all end. One wag opines that come the final apocalypse all that will remain will be the Clintons and the ultimate survivalists, the cockroaches. The Clinton saga began with Whitewater and has now continued to "email-gate". Everything the Clinton's touch seems to develop a least a bit of scandal. There has to be a better alternative for the Democratic party! If not, more's the pity for our two party system.

2016: a national security election? If so, there will be fiscal consequences. If taxes are not raised, monies will have to be shifted from domestic programs at a time when there is increasing concern about income inequity if America.
     In 2008 Mr Obama told unhappy Americans what many wanted to hear: that by doing less overseas their country would be safer. Republicans with ambitions for 2016 are pitching a more bracing message: that America must do more to be safe.
     Later in this same article, Kurt Volker, a former US ambassador to NATO, notes that for voters  “...foreign policy is really a metaphor for leadership. Does this person make me proud for America, or make me upset?”

Spring has come. Officially at 4:45pm (MDST). Here in Breckenridge, it has been a sunny first day. Unusual weather patterns in the last few weeks have meant melting snow at lower altitudes, but nearby peaks and higher ski runs remain white. The recent wet snow has "stuck" at the higher altitudes. The warm weather would normally mean that Mount Baldy, across the valley from Breckenridge, would be turning brown, but it remains bright white.

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