Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Here are the topics for this week's blog: the "really, really big," new, late-night show; "they're back;" not so gold this fall; bunny heaven; and fiery sunrises.

From David L. to Stephen C. Too bad the show plays so late! Even though the critics seemed to have been impressed, in my view Colbert's first show did not begin well, far too much of a largely meaningless opening. He would been much better served by "cutting to the chase," getting to his first celebrity and political guests. Yawn! Time for bed.

Meanwhile, the continuing,  awful 114th show. If Colbert was new, the title of a Roll Call story on Sep 10th merely repeated what has been coming down the pike in Washington: "A ‘Perfect Storm’ on Budget, Debt and Taxes?" We bury our heads in the sand and continue to try to fund the national government with too small, uneven revenue streams. As an ex-USAF colleague used to say, "It's intuitively obvious to the most casual dullard" that we have to either cut programs or raise taxes, perhaps both. Either choice requires gumption on the part of our 535 senators and representatives -- a willingness to risk becoming unemployed.

Fall color in the Colorado Rockies. CO's state foresters and local weather prognosticators tell us that the aspens may not be as golden this fall. A combination of higher than average rainfall and late spring's cold temperatures have taken a toll which will dim the golden hues that draw residents and tourists alike. Not to worry, this too shall pass. Nature is merely healing her/him/itself. Fear not, on the weekends the I-70 corridor is flooded with locals and tourists all wanting to see the annual fall displays.
    Years ago my now deceased stepfather was president of the National Management Association and would shepherd business visitors from around the world to see the fall colors in the "Big Woods" (northern PA's forests).  When the entire northern tier blazed with its annual show, corporate heads from Europe and Asia flocked to Talon zipper headquarters in Meadville, PA, to ride in the company's plane to see and photograph the spectacular fall colors.

Bunnies galore. I am not sure about your neighborhood,  but here in southeast Denver we have rabbits by the dozens. They scamper away as you come down the sidewalks. Just this morning, I saw a previously unnoticed rabbit hiding in one of the hedges. It was a bit too tall, though, a well-hidden weatherproof ceramic chap sporting a silly smile!

Fiery sunrises. The old saw tells us " skies in the morning, sailors take warning." Our last few sunrises have been quite red, the result of the new forest fires raging in CA. Haze and smoke have flitted into and out of the front range mountain valleys, too. Moisture is badly needed throughout the west.

Thank you for once again "picking me up." Have a pleasant week.

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