Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Here are this week's topics: gravity & other "deep" news; American exceptionalism; SCOTUS change;

Gravity, Einstein, & the new machine. This from the article, "A brief history of gravity, gravitational waves and LIGO": apparently there is yet again evidence that Einstein's math was correct. As one involved scientist put it, "Einstein must be smiling," even though he was not absolute convinced that his General Theory of Relatively was correct on this point. After lengthy peer review, it has now been duly reported that LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) "observed" two colliding black holes, 1+ billion light years distant. The collision did indeed produce "gravity waves." For the interested layman readers, there are other links throughout this linked article. It also offered the possibility that LIGO would offer new insights into other intergalactic events.

Exceptional? Washington Post columnist Fareed Zakaria notes that, "Yes, America is being changed — but by whom?" Across the board American politicians and radio/TV talk show figures alike speak of, but never define/explain, America's "exceptionalism," just what does that term mean? They "...routinely assert that Obama’s policies are intentionally designed to transform the United States and dull its distinctive edge..[and] were Obama’s policies to be continued...America would become just another country." Is there not perhaps a wee bit of xenophobia in our self-professed exceptionalism?

A very notable passing. News of the unexpected death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, has added an entirely new dimension and discussion point to the presidential contest. Will this be the last of President Obama's appointments or will he leave it for his successor? Either way, the vacancy is likely to consume political Washington. At their latest debate last Saturday, the Republican candidates all agreed on this one point: leave the appointment to the winner in November 2016. For moi, the vacancy offers the awful prospect of The Donald being "the decider" and choosing the name to send to the Senate for confirmation.

The stakes are just got higher! Should President Obama appoint a replacement? Should the Senate consider that appointment? The nation and the world awaits the outcome of this titanic turn of events. November 8, 2016, just got more important; the battle is joined! Within hours of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death on Saturday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that the Senate should not confirm anyone whom President Barack Obama nominates to fill the vacant seat, but wait until a new president is elected. McConnell’s comment put in bold relief the huge stakes, not just of the presidential election, but of who controls the Senate.

On to the Super Tuesday. IA and NH are now in the books. Two former AF colleagues, now living in North and South Carolina, note the beginning of the "silly season" for Carolinians, their time to be inundated by politicians, countless robo-phone calls, and endless inane TV/radio ads. The drama and politics surrounding Justice Scalia's passing will only heighten the clamor.

Reading, non-fiction. The Triumph of William McKinley: Why the Election of 1896 Still Matters, Karl Rove, Simon & Schuster, 2015. Slow reading, but Rove's telling brings interesting parallels to our current situation.

Thank you for reading.

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