Tuesday, May 24, 2016

These items are noted this week: Sanders vs Clinton; it's all in the name; white flag; Document 9; a test for voters?; what's in a word?; Vietnam revisited; do you have a card?

Violence on the left. Just after last week's blog was posted, this story about possible Democratic violence was noted in the daily [Congressional] Roll Call. There have been physical scuffles and confrontations aplenty at Trump rallies. Among Democrats, however, the conflicts between the Clinton and Sanders supporters have been only noisy and loud. Apparently that ended in Nevada.

New at the Library of Congress. It is not often that the venerable Library of Congress makes waves. However, the Library's decision to revise some of its search terms has raised hackles with some in Congress. For example, to be politically correct or not?  "Illegal alien" is being replaced with "undocumented immigrant" and "alien" with "non-citizen."  Really now, might not the the mythical purple people eater become upset, even depressed at being improperly labeled?
     A total of 6,900 search headings are being reviewed. A recent appropriations bill introduced this past week would mandate that the Library return to its previous category search headings. "The times, they are a'changin."

Surrender and fall in line. To what purpose? One after another, Republican senators and representatives are beginning to line up to declare their fealty to Donald Trump. Forget that not all that long ago many of them had only excoriating words, phrases, sentences for him. Even as Trump inveighs against it, these about-faces are "business as usual" on Capitol Hill.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The so called "Document 9" has surfaced in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the Cultural Revolution. It is clear that the CCP remains deathly afraid of  -- and will forcefully oppose and suppress -- any organized dissent to its dominant role. Even an organized meditation and exercise program, the Falun Gong, has been deemed anti-social, a potential threat due to its size, independence from the state, and spiritual teachings. 
     If you have never read CCP publications, use the link and read as much as you want, can stomach. It is quite fanciful. During the cold war, the CCP used the literal translation of a pejorative term from the Qing Dynasty ("running dogs") to refer to any nation allied with America.

Citizen voters. In last Saturday's Washington Post, columnist David Harsanyi opined "We must weed out ignorant Americans from the electorate." That headline surely raised some hackles, on both the left and right, though I suspect those on the left felt most offended. Reading further, they would have found Haranyi was all in favor of making it easier to gain rightful access to the ballot, but he then questioned whether the average American voter "knew enough" to make responsible ballot choices. He noted several surveys indicating a larger than you would like percentage of the participants might not have been able to pass the test required of very new would-be citizen.

Let’s also remember that checking a box for the candidate whose campaign ads you like best is one of the most overrated obligations of the self-governed. If you have no clue what the hell is going on, you also have a civic duty to avoid subjecting the rest of us to your ignorance....To be fair, the contemporary electorate is probably no less ignorant today than it was 50 or 100 years ago. [emphasis added The difference is that now we have unlimited access to information. As James Madison wrote, “A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both.”

Indeed, this former social studies teacher wonders how many seniors graduating from a Colorado high school could pass the citizenship test -- even though graduates are required to take at least one class in American government.

In late March, the library announced that it would fine-tune search terms , including changing the term “aliens” to “noncitizens” and “illegal immigration” to “unauthorized immigration.”   - See more at:
The words: stone waller, shape-shifter, liar? In a recent column, Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus discussed the verbal and policy twists and turns political candidates make on their way to the office. "All politicians deflect unwanted questions and demands for information (stonewaller). All evolve, if not outright flip-flop (shape-shifter). All, at times, say things that turn out to be untrue (liar)."
     I first encountered the term shape-shifter in a western mystery novel about the Navajos by Tony Hillerman. The Navajo concept was, of course, more spiritual, a far cry from the crass concept to which Ms. Marcus alluded.

Once an enemy, now a friend?  President Obama traveled to Vietnam early this week. Among the official news items was the announcement that the US would end its forty year-old arms embargo on Vietnam. In attempting to pivot our foreign policy away towards Asia, Mr. Obama is obviously searching for new allies. Vietnam is an obvious choice. In declaring a new friendship for an old enemy, the US (1) acknowledges the changed circumstances in Asia, (2) plays to the ancient (if unspoken) enmity between Vietnam and China, and (3) seeks to encourage Vietnam's interesting mix of capitalism and one-party state management.

Organ transplants. I do not know about you, but my CO driver's license has a red heart on the front, which indicates I am a potential organ donor. Advances in medial technology have made transplants more readily available, more likely to succeed. Interestingly, one major advance involves how the donations are cared for and monitored during transportation.

term “aliens” to “noncitizens” and “illegal immigration” to “unauthorized immigration.”   - See more at:
In late March, the library announced that it would fine-tune search terms , including changing the term “aliens” to “noncitizens” and “illegal immigration” to “unauthorized immigration.”   - See more at:
In late March, the library announced that it would fine-tune search terms , including changing the term “aliens” to “noncitizens” and “illegal immigration” to “unauthorized immigration.”   - See more at:
term “aliens” to “noncitizens” and “illegal immigration” to “unauthorized immigration.”   - See more at:
"Having seen up close the lack of conscience or concern for the ramifications of their actions—indeed, the glee with which they engaged in such destructive behavior—we expect similar tactics at the National Convention in July," wrote Nevada party counsel Bradley Schrager in a letter dated Monday. - See more at:
"Having seen up close the lack of conscience or concern for the ramifications of their actions—indeed, the glee with which they engaged in such destructive behavior—we expect similar tactics at the National Convention in July," wrote Nevada party counsel Bradley Schrager in a letter dated Monday. - See more at:
Thank you for reading. Enjoy the week ahead.

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