Wednesday, February 8, 2017

This week's topics: Brooks -- Republican or ethnic nationalist?; 25th Amendment; "required" to "desired" reading; Trump and Ken Burns; What is American?; separation of powers; an independent judiciary; our moving galaxy.

David Brooks opines in his column, "In the first place, the Trump administration is not a Republican administration; it is an ethnic nationalist administration." Seeking to be ever the moderate Republican, Brooks hopes to find a distinction that will somehow "save" the Republican party, amid the chaos emanating  from the chaos in the White House. Especially, if he is correct that "[t]he Bannonites are utterly crushing the Republican regulars when it comes to actual policy making." Bannonites are, apparently, a whole new category of political players, philistines, malevolent outsiders bent on evil.
     Brooks concludes, "It seems that the Trump administration is less a government than a small clique of bloggers and tweeters who are incommunicado with the people who actually help them get things done. Things will get really hairy when the world’s problems are incoming."
     "To say that it is amateur hour at the White House is to slander amateurs." Also calls to mind Artie Shaw's German-helmeted character on Laugh-In and his purposely mispronounced catch phrase, "Very Interesting.....but stupid."

25th Amendment. Several columnists, not all flaming liberal, coastal-elitists, have suggested that it would be well for everyone to review the 25th Amendment, Section 4.

Orwell's 1984, required to desired. Who could have predicted that among its many surprises, the Trump administration would boost book sales. Not just any book, but one often found on "required reading" list for high schools and colleges. Signet Classic books has ordered an additional 500,000 copies of 1984 and which has risen to the top of for a second straight week.
     It seems that "alternative facts" just sounded like it had to have come from Orwell's Ministry of Truth. Sales of Sinclair Lewis' "It Can't Happen Here" and Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" are also increasing.

The Civil War, 25 years on. There was a certain perverse irony on view Thursday evening (Ground Hog Day, February 2nd): as chaos and uncertainty swirled in the nation's capital, PBS broadcast Part I of Ken Burns' classic film, The Civil War (remastered for its 25th anniversary). In 1860, though the Revolution was won and a democratic republic seeming firmly planted, slavery, the "sleeping wolf" about which Thomas Jefferson had warned, stalked the land. In 2017, the American Republic seems just as surely beset, this time by heretofore unknown internal forces, the outcome of which is similarly uncertain.   

American? A very recent PEW Research Center survey "asked residents of numerous nations what it takes to truly belong in their countries. "Americans were far more likely than residents of other countries included in the survey to say that religion was key to sharing in the national identity....Religion was the only question on which Americans were an outlier. On birth, language and customs, America fell in line with other industrialized nations." Younger respondents were less likely to view Christianity as important.

The Separation of Powers. This hallowed establishment of American democracy -- three independent branches -- is currently being examined world-wide in the full light of all media forms. President Trump's travel ban and the judiciary's response via the various legal challenges and the President's responses to these challenges. Etc, etc, etc

Unintended consequences. Presidential tweet: "...this 'so called' judge..." Actually, the judge in question was nominated by President George Bush, unanimously confirmed by the Senate, and duly sworn into office. Therefore, he is a judge. President Trump's chosen Supreme Court appointee, Appellate Judge Gorsuch, will undoubtedly now be asked how he views this seeming questioning of judicial independence. "We don't have so-called judges, we don't have so-called senators, we don't have so-called presidents," says on .
     President Trump's edicts will no doubt provide daily fodder for TV's late night show hosts, even those abroad. "[Pakistani] comedian Azhar Usman tweeted, “dearest trump-hating Americans! Now’s your chance to stand up against fascism: CONVERT TO ISLAM to protest trump! (bonus: eternal salvation)."

Help in Nebraska. You might find it hard to believe, but according to this Washington Post story, the Corn Husker state "has taken in more refugees per capita than any other." Back in the day, Colorado was among the most welcoming states for Vietnamese boat people. The spirit of Emma Lazarus lives on!

Our very own Milky Way galaxy. Just when you thought you knew where you were, it turns out Earth's solar system, indeed our entire galaxy are on the move. In the ever-expanding universe, we are headed for another spot in space, a journey that may take us 750 million light years away, so do not hold your breath.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy the week ahead.

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