Thursday, November 23, 2017

This week's topics include: Christian charlatans; a day without a cell phone; tourism; sexual harassment.

Religious conservatism in America. There are charlatans of all stripes among us. In this recent column, David Von Drehle writes about those supporting Roy Moore in his AL senate race. He notes, "It’s a travesty that Moore and his sanctimonious ilk have been allowed to hijack 'conservative Christianity.' I imagine William F. Buckley Jr. — that grinning apostle of joy — spinning in his grave." Indeed, Flip Wilson's colorful Reverend LeRoy and the "Church of What's Happening Now" are alive and prospering.
      Van Drehle  also comments on another vital, but little noted domestic point: radical vs. moderate Islam. "Mainstream Muslims have been hearing for years that they must repudiate the hateful fringe perverting their religion; surely the same applies to us Christians." Sadly, alas and alack.

Garrison Keillor's recent column made for good reading. His comments about the "no nonsense" waitress at Grand Central Station's famed Oyster Bar brought back fond memories. Myself, I cannot remember the last time I was served by a wait-person who did not open with the royal, "Are we ready...." Followed later by "How's it tasting?" As Keillor opines, it is all downhill from there.

Puerto Vallarta. A week-long visit to this sea side resort illustrated the power of tourism on a portion of city and its economy. Nearly 100% of Vallarta's success is dependent on tourism. The Marina area is safe and thriving; every business has a vested interest in all tourists (Mexican and otherwise) feeling safe while strolling around, shopping, eating, and sightseeing. But, in truth, the same can be said for many municipalities, world-wide wherever tourism is important. 

Sexual harassment. The worm has surely turned. It's been not that long ago when a female accuser was always closely questioned, often with the suggestion that she was lying -- over exaggerating at best. In AL, enough women have lodged accusations against Senate candidate Roy Moore that the thought is that they cannot all be lying. But, well....  
     Now, two very lofty, well thought of liberals have been named. Charlie Rose, the much watched TV newsman and interviewer, has been accused by eight women and summarily fired by CBS and his interview program pulled by both PBS and Bloomberg. Al Franken, the Democratic senator from MN has been accused of improprieties by two women.  The media, especially conservative, will watch closely to see how his case will be handled by the Senate system.

Thank you for reading. I hope your Thanksgiving was pleasant.

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