Tuesday, April 10, 2018

This week: the Optimist; continental divide; MLK, Jr. 50 years on; the Donald and Vladimir; Stormy, Donald, et. al.; China's 21st century Long March; pay equity; murder rates;

Optimist, 8 April.    Link here. A caring bus driver and her young friend, D.C.'s cherry blossoms, and more

A new continental divide. When I began teaching I was in CO, so I naturally challenged my students about the nation's two continental divides. The usual first comment: "Come on, Mr. Abell. There's only one, somewhere between here and Vail." or words to that effect. Having grown up in western PA, I leave it to you to divine how I introduced the concept of the other, the "eastern," continental divide, water going to the Mississippi or the Atlantic.
    News stories and photos early last week, introduced the idea of something quite different: a probable, literal, African continental divide opening somewhere along a giant rift that opened up in Kenya. Geologists are quick to point out that it may be 50+M years or so before East Africa separates from the remainder of the continent. No need to make hurried travel plans.

MLK, Jr. Among the many articles and columns published on 4 April is this somber remembrance by authors when he "...was harassed, dismissed and often saddened." Telling his wife, “I get tired of going and not having any answers.”
     Even as the anti-Vietnam movement grew, King found himself increasingly at odds with LBJ and dogged by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI. Nevertheless, he persevered  "...trying to confront “the evil triplets,” how 'racism, economic exploitation and militarism are all tied together.' ”

We are resolved to fight the bloody battle against our enemies, with a strong determination to take our place in the world....The list of co-optive behavior could go on. And the list of more coercive concerns gets longer by the day....The list of co-optive behavior could go on. And the list of more coercive concerns gets longer by the day.

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