Monday, June 10, 2024

7 June 2024

Notable events, 7 June 1712: PA colony voted to end importation of slaves. 1776: VA colony’s R.H. Lee said colonies are and ought to be free. 1892: Holmer Plessy arrest for not leaving whites-only dining car. 1929: Vatican City deemed sovereign nation.1965: SCOTUS, struck down CT birth control law. 1981: Israeli jets destroyed Iraq nuclear facility. 2016: Hillary Clinton and DJT claimed their party’s nominations.  

8 June 1864: Lincoln nominated for 2nd term. 1953: SCOTUS ended segregation in Washington, D.C., restaurants. 1967: Israel’s mistaken attack on USS Liberty killed 34 USN sailors. 1968: MLK, Jr’s assassin J.E. Ray captured in London. 2008: Regular gas hit $4/gal. 2015: SCOTUS (6-3) Americans born in Jerusalem could not list Israel as their birthplace. 2017: Former FBI director Comey said President Trump fired him to end investigation of Trump’s ties with Russia. 

9 June 1732: James Oglethorpe got charter to found GA colony.1969: Warren Burger confirmed as SCOTUS chief justice. 1978: Mormon church ended 148-year-old policy excluding Black men as priests. 1986: Rogers Commission found fault associated with failed Challenger launch. 2017: President Trump said FBI director Comey lied to Congress. 2020: Funeral in Houston for George Floyd. 2022: U.S. House panel laid blame on President Trump for Jan 6, 2021, insurrection, calling it an “attempted coup.”  2023: Felony indictment of DJT indicted for improperly storing classified documents in his home.  

10 June 1692: First Salem witch trial hanged Bridget Bishop. 1935: AA formed in Akron, OH. 1963: President JFK singed Equal Pay Act. 1971: President Nixon ended trade embargo on China. 1967:  Six Day War ended; Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq accepted cease fire. 2012: Shanshan Feng first Chinese player to win LPG title. 2020: Protestors toppled statue of Jefferson Davis in Richmond, VA; NASCAR banned Confederate flag at all races & venues. 2021: OR House of Rep voted to expel Nike Newman who led violent protesters into OR Capitol building.  

Middle East. A successful Israeli hostage rescue raid resulted in at least 274 deaths. 

Native American news. A dispute has surfaced between tribes and the Denver Art Museum over the retention/return of artifacts of artworks and artifacts. The DAM has extensive holdings  related to Native Americans.

Ukraine. The Ukrainian army has scored a hit on one of Russia’s most advanced jet fighter planes about 370 miles from the border.   

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