Thursday, May 23, 2024

23 May 2024

Notable events, 23 May 1430: Joan of Arc captured and sold to the English. 1915: Italy declared war. 1934: The FBIs most wanted bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde were killed in police ambush in Bienville Parish, LA. 1945: Nazi Heinrich Himmler committed suicide. 1967: Egypt closed Straits of Tiran precipitating the second Arab-Israeli war. 1984: Surgeon General Koop issued cigarette-lung cancer warning. 2013: Gays welcomed into Scouting. 2022: President Biden said U.S. would intervene if Taiwan attacked by China. 

Nov 2024. Former candidate (and ambassador to the U.N. and governor of SC) said she would vote for DJT. Yet another example of a Republican bowing down before the God of Trump. To turn a popular notion on its head, when, if ever, will these people be rightfully known for what they are, not true Republicans, but Trumpeteers,  RINOs? 

Middle East. It is likely that Norway, Ireland, and Spain will recognize the Palestinian state in the near future. Israel intimated that if that occurs it would recall its ambassadors to those three states. (A not unusual public display of dissatisfaction in diplomatic tiffs.) 

Ukraine. Russia announced tactical nuclear weapons drills near the Ukraine border. 

Climate change. (1) Howler monkeys are succumbing to fatal heat stroke in Mexico as temperatures rise.(2) One passanger died and other passanger and crew were injured when CAT (clear air turbulance) rocked a Singapore Airlines plane on a flight from London. (3) Greenfield, IA, was decimated by a tornado in what is becoming a not uncommon weather phenomenon that appears to be occurring more frequently. 

Environmental news. Families are using public media to campaign for being moved away from a large gold mine in the Dominican Republic. 

Election news. (1) England’s PM Sunak (Conservative party) has called for early elections on 4 July. FYI. The government (party in power) can call elections as it desires (at least once every 5 years); the election 6 weeks hence. (2) The sister of  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is spearheading the family’s fight against his presidential candidacy. Earlier she fought his high profile anti-vax stance over Covid-19.  

Zionism. The latest turmoil has thrust the concept of Zionism to the forefront. It is not a new term, but neither has it been the lightning rod of the Israeli — Palestinian debate. Not so now. Friendships and tutor-mentorships hurt/ended. 

SCOTUS. It is not unusual for the nation’s highest court to be in the news; after all it normally decides more than a few controversial cases each term. As the current term nears its end, it was “Who flew the “Stop the Steal” (American flag upside down) at Justice Alito’s house?” The justice? His wife? To what end? 

Graceland. My wife is thankful she got her visit earlier this month because the iconic landmark may/may not be sold at auction in a dispute over a $3.8 million loan. Will Paul Simon (“I’m going to Graceland….”) be interested?  

A special birthday party. Yes, but first, Dorthy Jean Tillman II had to pick up her Ph.D. at AZ State U. She is the youngest ever to earn the degree in integrated behavioral health. She will now be able to vote this coming November. Indeed, a role model for young women. 

Memorial Day. Record traffic expected at DIA. Late snow storms will keep the Trail Ridge Road (Rocky Mountain NP) and Mt. Blue Sky (formerly Mt. Evans) roads closed. 

Mt. Blue Sky. Political correctness resulted in the name change from Mt. Evans. Gov. Evans was directly involved in the use of the CO national guard in the Sand Creek massacre which killed 160+ Native Americans. 

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