Thursday, May 9, 2024

9 May 29024

Notable events, 9 May 1945: Victory Day in the USSR over Nazi Germany. It remains a much yearly national holiday with a traditional military parade through the Kremlin (once aka Red Square) to showcase new hardware. This year’s parade showed off captured Ukrainian weaponry. 

At least once in the past, western military personnel saw something totally unknown: a fighter aircraft (designated the MIG-27) mounted on a huge long-bed trailer was driven through on the Square. The plane’s development had only been a rumor in the CIA, DIA,  MI6 (UK) and other intelligence agencies. 

Interestingly, not long thereafter, a Soviet pilot defected, flying his plane from the Kamchatka peninsula to a USAF base in northern Japan. Within 72 hours the plane had been photographed, disassembled, flown to the secret USAF facility (Wright Patterson in OH), analyzed, flown back to Japan, reassembled, and returned to the Russian fighter command.

Other events on 9 May 1914: President Wilson proclaimed 2nd Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. 1945: USSR liberated Czechoslovakia from Nazis and subjugated it to the USSR. 1951: U.S. tested Hbomb on Enewetak  Atoll. 1962: MIT scientists bounced laser beam off Moon. 1970: President Nixon met with anti-Vietnam protestors at the Lincoln Memorial. 1994: Nelson Mandela chosen to lead S. Africa’s ruling part. 

Ukraine Russia, WW II. An article in the CSM notes that for Russia its so-called current “special military operation” (now three years on) is just a continuation of a portion of WW II, though Moscow claims it is acting to “denazify” Ukraine. 

“[T]he Kremlin appears to have convinced most Russians that they are not fighting a war for territory and regional control in Ukraine, but facing a recurring effort by the united West to subdue Russia.” A continually recurring existential challenge. The Cold War continues?”

Snow in the high country. It may feel like spring on plains, but on Tuesday I-70 was closed from in west Denver’s Floyd Hill through Vail Pass. “Shut off the car, Harold. Here’s a blanket!” The AWC (Avalanche Warning Center) issued new cautions to back country travelers. 

River Walk Center. Breckenridge has posted the summer line-up for this popular venue. 

Sperm whales. Another scientific paper believes more progress is being made in understanding what these huge, talkative mammals are saying. More than 150 different patterns (codas) have been discerned world-wide, 21 from Caribbean sperms. Makes one wonder what they think of we humans, though maybe we do not want to know. A variation of Clint Eastwood’s “I talk to the trees, but they never listen to me.” (“Paint Your Wagon”) 

Stop that clock. By law, having been in session for 120 days, the CO state legislature is legally required to adjourn at Midnight, 8 May. But, what if not all the important business has not been attended to? You know, foot dragging, procrastination. What normally transpires is that the House and Senate clocks mysteriously stop! The impetus for the law: less time in session = less time to spend (waste?) tax payers’ money! Would that you could do same when necessary and then somehow “make” the money your household budget demands. 

Ukraine. An article in the CSM has it right. For Putin and Russia it is WW II all over again. 

Presidential debates. Long-time observer Karen Tumulty on how to improve these sessions. Though, as previously noted how do you have a reasoned debate with a narcissistic jack-in-th-box? Tumluty recalls a long-ago phrase coined by Howard Cosell about a famous prize fight, “rumble in the jungle.” Nevertheless, voters would get to see both men in action. Myself, like some presidential speeches, the transcript may suffice. 

The Commission on PD has announced a schedule. Mark your calendar.. The candidates are already complaining. In PA, voters will already be casting mail-in ballots. 

Hand-held cell phones. No longer legal in CO. CDOT, the State Patrol, and many other safety minded groups have won a major victory. Even better, just “Hang up and drive!” 

Bipartisanship. In the U.S. House solidly rejected (359 - 43) the move by Rep. M.T. Green (R, GA) to remove Speaker Mike Johnson (R, LA). She wants him to stop the Republicans from working with Democrats to pass any legislation. Earlier DJT had given Johnson his nod of approval. 

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