Wednesday, May 8, 2024

8 May 2024

Notable events, 8 May 1541: de Soto reached the Mississippi River. 1846: U.S. victory in Mexican-American War. 1945: President Truman announced Germany’s surrender. 1972: President Nixon announed the mining Haiphong Harbor in N. Vietnam. 1973: Native Americans holding Wounded Knee surrendered. 1984: USSR announced boycott of Olympics. 1996: S. Africa adopted constitution guaranteeing universal sufffage. 2018: President DJT announced U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear accord.

George Will. This column discusses the reasons why a thoughtful citizen might consider not voting

Excess. It would be hard to conceive of a more perfect example than what is displayed at each annual opening of the Met in NYC. This year’s extravaganza was no exception. “Plainly put, the argument is: Elections register opinions. Abstaining from voting can express a public-spirited and potentially consequential opinion.” In 5 November 2024, Will wonders if the voters’ choices are so abnormal that they might not merit another cup of coffee rather than casting a ballot. 

Reading. Nonfiction. My wife’s selection. The Women. Kristn Hannah, St. Martin Press, 2024. The story of a young twenty-year-old nursing student who enlists and follows her brother to Vietnam. Later, when she seeking treatment at the VA, she’s gruffly told, “There were no army women in Vietnam. 

Middle East. One group that gets little note in the popular media are the ultra-conservative, hard right Jewish groups advocating for and in some areas actively seizing land and establishng settlements in the occupied territories. Given the continued violence, the phrase “Holy Land” is increasing anachronistic. 

CO housing. The CO Senate gave initial approval to allow local governments the first crack at buying subsidized housing properties. 

Tim Tok. Sues U.S. to block potential ban. Do you use TT? Know anyone who does? 

Tesla. The car’s self-driving is under investigation by federal highway safety. Christine has used the feature in her cousin’s car. Me? I’d rather be in charge.  

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